Bran Castle

Our final stop for the day was in Bran – for Bran Castle – also known as Dracula Castle … and one of the drivers for people to come here.

The castle itself goes back to the 14th century, built for defensive measure against invading Turks from the South.

It is likely that Vlad Țepeș Dracula (aka. Vlad the Impaler) stayed some time at this castle; some aspects of his life probably are what Bram Stoker inspired in the creation of the fictive Dracula figure. The castle also fits into the rough description of Dracula’s castle. Though there are many more castles in Transylvania, that would fit to the description … nevertheless it is now Bran castle, which is marketed as the one Dracula Castle. In the castle itself this barely becomes obvious (the focus is on historic facts, with only a small room aiming to link the dots between the castle, Vlad the Impaler and the Dracula character). Outside however the story is different … a tourist market at the entrance gate is fully dedicated to Dracula inspired souvenirs (from Dr.Acula t-shirts, Dracula cups to vampire teeth) – there is even an amusement park-style haunted house … a pity, garlic and crosses do not help here.