North Cape Cruising

We had left the fjords and made it into the Norwegian Sea during the night (assuming one wants to call it night – as the sun had been up all the way through). We were now heading towards the North Cape – the northernmost point of the European mainland – or better: what is marketed as such, complete with monuments (the globe visible with binoculars even from the ship). After a pass-by we started our journey North and on to Svalbard – ironically making Norway’s North Cape one of the southernmost points on this trip.

Otherwise this was a busy day at sea, getting us ready for the adventures to come: hand-out of expedition equipment (rubber boots and expedition parka), an introduction to the expedition team, the mandatory briefing about the region and the relevant regulations, a biosecurity check (to ensure we don’t introduce seeds or other organic matter from other parts of the world into the Arctic environment), a solo-traveler meet-up and a first pre cap – giving us preview of the activities for the next days. Before dinner there was a welcome cocktail introducing the captain and the department heads. So – all in all a fairly busy day (despite this being marketed as relaxation at sea).