A Geologist’s Dream

Once everyone was back from the zodiac cruise and zodiacs well secured on the ship, we left our position in the Alpefjord and made our way back through the fjord and back towards Segelsällskapet Fjord. We stopped after a mere 17 nautical miles in front of the Berzelius Bjerg for a shore landing at Skipperdal on the other side of this remarkably stripy mountain.

During a shore landing at Skipperdal once more geology was king, with even more colorfully layered formations of sedimentary rock. All in all unbelievably beautiful; it is hard to comprehend that those formations are just the results of some (very slow) natural process – and not man-made pieces of art.

As usual there was also the opportunity for a short hike into the back country towards a view point. The weather was perfect, sunny, nice and warm … I was literally slow-cooking in my sweat after the climb to the viewpoint – so the opportunity for a another short refreshing dip into Arctic waters was more than welcome.

After dinner it was officers’ cocktail night – with each department coming up with a signature cocktail – mixed by the department leads – and accompanied by a performance of the crew band.

This was also one of the first evenings were the sun kind of set – vanishing barely behind the horizon and coloring the clouds into this nice orange/red color. Time for bed, I assume.