Clavering Ø – Part 1

Over night we had made our way deeper into the Northeast Greenland National Park, now sitting at the south coast of Clavering Ø (Clavering Island – or better peninsula, as the island is connected to mainland Greenland via a small land bridge).

Our landing this morning was at Eskimonaes, the site of a former research station and German military radio and weather station during WWII. The trip over by zodiac was quick and easy. Ashore there was the option of walk up a hill for great views of the surrounding area – including a views towards a group of musk oxen on the other side of the bay. Plant life once more was abundant – and the mosquitos thirsty.

Back at the beach it was time for another swim – now in Greenlandic waters and in similar ideal conditions as during the polar plunge on Svalbard.