It was our final (full) day on Santo Antão – we were heading up into the Paúl valley today (Paúl translates to place with water, not related to a saint of the same name) for a final (short – 5km) hike through paradise.
By bus we got to the end of the road in Chã de Padre, where we started the hike. We made it through lush vegetation, terrace fields and an abundance of fruit, vegetables and other plants. During a stop we were able to sample the local coffee and one of the best fresh juices of the whole trip.
More samples were available as we hit a grogue (rum) distillery after the hike – for an explanation of the production process and of course a quick tasting of the end products. From the distillery it was on for lunch in Cidade de Pombas before making it back to Ponta del Sol in the late afternoon for some final sightseeing around town (not as if there was too much to see or do here).