Today I focused on the Western part of the mall and all the monuments to former presidents or other important people in US history, as well as the war memorials – from WW2, and the Vietnam to the Korean war … a tough, yet interesting ride through US (and world) history. My biggest Aha-moment was at the Roosevelt Memorial – covering the 1930s through (most of) WW2 to the birth of the United Nations – I wish today’s leaders would be more like him. From artistic/ architectural perspective I really liked the Korean War Memorial and how it pulls the spectators in, making them part of the cause to be remembered. I also liked the Martin Luther King Memorial and how the artist literally moved a stone.
After a history-heavy morning I made it over to Georgetown for lunch and a bit of retail fun (not that I bought anything) to make my way back to the National Mall (with a stop at the Kenn