Svalbard’s Pamukkale

We made our way back to the Hinlopen Strait. Over night we had passed the Northern most point of the trip at 80°5.8’N, 16°15’E – officially beating my Northern record from my trip in 2015 by about 80km – or in other words, this trip got me ~80km closer to the North Pole. From here it was South into the Woodfjord and on into the Bockfjord – in time for a morning landing at Jotunkjeldene, the site of the spring of Jotun, the frost giants in Norse mythology – a fitting name for this hot spring of volcanic origin, complete with Svalbard’s only travertine terraces.

A short hike was offered, passing by the terraces – and the up the hill for another glacier view; there was also a good bit of plant life.