From Geology to Paw Patrol

We continued through Kong Oscar Fjord for a trip of around 40 nautical miles, heading to Ella Ø – passing through more geological wonders.

We were kept busy with the traditional Pølser Party on the pool deck, complete with food (incl. of course pølser = hot dogs – and even better: tarte flambee), drinks (incl. Linie on glacier rocks) and live music – and suddenly it’s not old rocks that rule – but just rock 🎸🤘 – not that old, but still hard enough.

In the afternoon we made it to Ella Ø – an outpost of the Sirius Dog Sled Patrol – for another shore landing and an option for a short walk towards a lake, bird observation and a bit of plant life. Animal life was also present … with many in the group unable to resist those cuddly dogs – take that geology!