Into a foggy Scoresby Sound

We had left Kong Oscar Fjord in the evening, heading out back into the Greenland Sea for the journey South towards the Scoresby Sund over night – covering a total of a good 140 nautical miles).

Fog with rain was greeting us here, as we made our way along the Southern bank of the sound, passing along glaciers and ice bergs. Mid-day we made our way into the Hurry Inlet – in search for a good spot for a landing site. Eventually one was found at Neill Klinter. Fog is not an issue anymore, but it had started to rain … also the wave conditions at the beach were less than favorable.

There was again a walk offered at the landing site – first along the beach, up a ridge, on to a viewpoint and back to the beach. It was nice to get ashore again and a bit of exercise – but other than that, this landing was fairly uneventful.