Around Granada

As we did not manage to take day-time photos of the main plaza and the cathedral during the city tour, many of us had an early start to take advantage of the early sun and get those photos in the morning.

Afterward we went over to Cafe Chocolate – a place highly recommended by Juan-Carlos – for breakfast; in the end more than half the group met here to enjoy a chocolate-based breakfast.

After breakfast we went for an all day tour around Granada – starting with a boat trip around the Isletas or small islands in Lake Nicaragua around Granada. One of the islands is inhabited by monkeys; they came closer when we offered a banana, thus providing a good photo opportunity.

Leaving the islands behind, we made our way to Masaya volcano, an active volcano roughly 20kms north-west of Granada. The tour there started with a visit to the museum, giving an overview of volcanic activity in general and the situation in Nicaragua in special, but also providing insight into plants and wildlife of the country. After the museum we drove up to the crater to get a close-up view.

We had a late lunch (probably the worst on the trip) at Apoyo lagoon, a 20 minute drive away from the volcano. After another stop at a handicraft market, we got back to Granada.