Getting there …

Getting there … job-wise

Today was a busy day; in the morning we continued with the work on our individual bits of the presentation for one of our clients. We then spent (once more) most of the afternoon at Starbucks to start reviewing slides and putting the overall slide deck together.

We also involved the interpreters into that effort to ensure we convey the correct message and meaning, when the slides are finally translated to Chinese.

Getting there … weekend-plan

Today was also a milestone in the planning for the upcoming weekend (in PM talk one could call today ‘Plan Exit’) … we signed the contract with the travel agent and will leave Wuhan on Friday to go for a Yangtze cruise over the weekend.

Getting there indeed was a milestone … the steps to come to an agreement over the final contract included extensive discussions within our team, numerous visits to the travel agent, review of several options, detailed study of the proposed itinerary and proposed contract – including a final discussion down to footnote level.

Given my travel arranger role (that I somehow got assigned in the first couple of days), I found myself at one stage today with an amount of cash (11.4 K Yuan) that I would consider huge even from a European standpoint …

Overall we are getting there … our first presentation should be ready for translation tomorrow – and the weekend will be there to celebrate and relax on the Yangtze 😉