Final Entry

I made it back home, back to my normal life – and this will be the final entry for this China trip.

It is somehow an odd feeling being back home again. Over the past weeks the full team (including the interns and Lesley) had become like a family – and that group is now split up again … let’s see when (or how quick) we will get together and see again.

It is also a good feeling being home again – back to familiar surroundings with access to all those little things from whole-grain bread, cheese, access to uncensored and speedy internet to being back to friends and family.

Overall it was a good experience being in China on the CSC program, a good opportunity to get an insight into Chinese (business) culture, the cultures of teammates, an introduction to a different way of working and the topics different from normal work – plus all the fun we had – be it on weekends, the evenings or during work or while trying out odd food etc.

Leaves me to say a big 谢谢 to everyone who made the stay possible, to the team, DOT China and – last, but not least – our interns.