Hiking the Hills around Kalaw

Today was another active day with an included hike to some of the hill communities around Kalaw. The hike was led by local guide Obama, who provided us with ample information about the local communities, the local flora and fauna.

During the hike we passed through and by plenty of fields covering almost everything – from vegetables to tea and coffee. We eventually got to the first village, where we had a stop at a tea farm to see how the process works from the leaf to the cup. Obviously the farm was much, much smaller than the gardens in India or Sri Lanka, I had visited on previous trips – so also the processing was more down to earth and basic here.

We continued through another village before making it to a third village, where we had a basic – but fairly good lunch … accompanied by great views.

After lunch it was down and a circle back to Kalaw (which for a while included a new doggy group member), where were picked up by truck at the outskirts of town. After a stop for some good espresso we made it back into town and to the hotel.