Bendery Fortress

Once back on the van we made the ten minute trip to a parking lot near Bendery Fortress. After a ten minute walk through an abandoned industrial area we eventually arrived at the actual fortress.

The fortress dates back to the very early 16th century, initially just build from wood – but developed into a full fort after the town had been conquered by the Ottomans in the mid 16th century. Over the centuries the fort was expanded a number of times and also went through a number of sieges (isn’t that, what you build a fort for?).

Today the fortress – or better the area around it – is yet again undergoing a major transformation – this time battling for tourists. Paths are being built, as is a parking lot – overall infrastructure around the fortress is going through a major overhaul (like for instance toilet facilities).

We started our guided tour outside the fort in an already renovated area overlooking the river. Here a cannonball with an attached seat grabs the attention. Background is that it was here in Bender, where the fictional (?) Baron Munchausen did ride the cannonball to get into the fort during a siege – and then of course out again with some added tactical information.

From here we made our way around the fort to its main entrance and on to the museum, where the tour concluded.