In Baguio

We made it into Baguio in the late afternoon. After some time to freshen up, the group did come together again for a walking tour around town.

With our hotel right next to Burnham Park, we passed by the same, to then immerse ourselves into the streets of the city. The main attraction here were the jeepneys all around – all of them very colorful (much more so, than anywhere else, we had been to so far – incl. Manila), often themed, many a piece of art – and always with the one or other reference to the bible.

We eventually made it to Baguio’s massive market – one of the bigger markets of the Philippines. We passed through the various departments and also got to try the one or other item. We continued to the town’s main church -the Cathedral of Our Lady of Atonement, before heading for a posh dinner in what (supposedly) is the best restaurant in town.

It had been another long day, most in the group were tired – so we called it a day after dinner and a visit to the local SM supermarket.