More from around Sagada

From the waterfall we made it back up to the main street and a little cafe for lunch (which turned out to be the slowest meal of the whole trip – – but then likely also the freshest, as the vegetables literally had to be taken from the field after our order).

In the afternoon we rented a jeepney and had an interesting (and also somewhat weird / random) drive around some of the other attractions of town.

The starting point was at a weaving mill (with not too much to see – at least for my taste), then on to a pottery. The pottery turned out interesting, as they did not leave it with the normal explanations – but then also gave everyone (who was interested) a try with some clay at the wheel. Never having done pottery myself before, I have to say, it was interesting to actually feel the clay getting into shape.

The pottery was followed by a drive through the area with stops at various viewpoints and at Lake Danum.

The late afternoon then got us back to burial culture – we were now heading for Lumiang Cave, another burial site – with coffins attached to the cave walls.

Overall it had been a worthwhile day with a great variety of activities, plus we were lucky with the weather as well. Dinner at the yogurt place was well earned – as were the ten hours of sleep the night after 😉 .