Baku – first Impressions

We made it into Baku in the late afternoon. After some time, to freshen up (or an attempt in getting opera tickets), we left the hotel again – for some first exploration of town.

We made the short walk over to the gate into the old town, to then head into the direction of the waterfront. There were obviously some VIPs in the area, some of the narrow streets and pathways in the old town were essentially blocked off and we had to find ways around – – though eventually we made it out of old town and down to the waterfront and promenade. We were first heading towards the Ferris Wheel, passing by the massive flag pole (of course with flag – and once upon a time the world’s biggest … well until Tajikistan came out with theirs), Baku’s little Venice (perfect for kitsch-lovers) and the carpet museum. We eventually hit a major construction site, where we turned around now heading back along the waterfront.

We soon left the waterfront and were now looking at the modern shopping area up to fountain square, where we also ended up having dinner.