A Working Day @ Starbucks

Today was a brain-storming day, for us – the manufacturing team – mainly three questions had to be looked at

  • specific questions / requests for clarifications for our first client
  • high-level setup of the agenda for the presentations
  • review of the available data and material, to get it sorted by topic and relevance

Based on the internet connection speed and the good availability of coffee, tea and all sorts of cheese cake, we decided to spend the day at the local Starbucks outlet (on the other side of the street from our hotel) – as did all the other groups.

Given the intake of coffee and tea, we had some fruitful discussion and ended up with a good list of questions to ask, as well as an approach on how to continue. We got back to the hotel for further work (i.e. a deep dive into the material) only after having tried a good selection of cake.

Let’s see how it goes … but one thing is sure, I have neither worked a full day in Starbucks before, nor did I go through a working dinner in the backroom of a Chinese restaurant (see yesterday’s blog entry) … we still need to decide, where to head for tomorrow – so, let’s see 😉