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After Huangshan I made it into Shanghai – thus moving from nature to the big city and also from sunshine to rain … I started with the usual visit and walk around the Bund and Nanjing Road … and of … Continue reading
This gallery contains 4 photos.
After Huangshan I made it into Shanghai – thus moving from nature to the big city and also from sunshine to rain … I started with the usual visit and walk around the Bund and Nanjing Road … and of … Continue reading
This gallery contains 20 photos.
I am back from Huangshan – and I was lucky, perfect weather throughout, superb views etc. … 😉 Based on the China Lonely Planet there are three ways to get up Huangshan: the short, hard way following the eastern steps … Continue reading
This gallery contains 7 photos.
The CSC assignment is coming to an end; the final presentations have been delivered to our clients – it is now the time to wrap up and summarize. Thursday morning we met in the hotel meeting room for a somewhat … Continue reading
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Today saw as working with our third client – the university of our interns. We made it to the university around midday with Theresa showing us around the campus. For the afternoon an IT Workshop was planned; we met up … Continue reading
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We (the Manufacturing sub-team) had our second final presentation today; in a nutshell we gave our client on overview of corporate culture and a Human Resource Management (HRM) framework. The presentation took more than four hours and – based on … Continue reading
This gallery contains 3 photos.
I did not have breakfast on Sunday; only made it up after 11:00; I met up with Sanjiev and we walked all the way through Hankou to the Temple of the Dragon King; from there we continued over to Hanyang … Continue reading
Saturday was a rainy day, any desire for sightseeing was literally washed away by the rain – so big part of the team ended up in Wuhan’s effective, but nearly incomprehensible bus network to head for a local fashion mall.
The mall turned out a to be a stuffed, cramped nine-story building full of little shops selling cheap clothes often of questionable quality; most of us therefore headed back to the hotel after this interesting experience, this time walking (aka Björn’s guided tour through the clothing wholesale district).
The evening found us heading out for a club we already had gotten to on our first weekend in Wuhan. Already back then we had a funny feeling about the place – though as we really enjoyed the show and the dancing, we took the decision to head back to celebrate into Lya’s birthday.
We had once more loads of fun, even got special attention from the club’s manager, who took special care of us. Once more there were loads of show elements thrown in during the evening – and as we had Lesley call ahead, we even ended up with a VIP table with good views and close to the dance floor; only the music selection was a bit inconsistent.We also got close to a final conclusion on the funny feeling we had at the first time. In any case I am pretty sure, that this has been a worthy start into Lya’s 26th year 😉 – and a good night to remember for the rest, that joined in.
All in all – I have to say the CSC China 15 team is an amazing group of people; Saturday night was yet more evidence that we are indeed a united and loyal team with full ability of cultural adaption.
This gallery contains 4 photos.
Work today saw me preparing for the process of getting a new job – I was basically getting up to speed for a job interview, doing quick research in the morning and scripting through a couple of possible interview scenarios … Continue reading
My team had a busy day yesterday and today; our next presentation is next Monday afternoon, with the translation work in between our deadline for the English presentation was basically late afternoon today, to give Elaine and Theresa enough time for their part.
We resulted spending most of yesterday in our Western Bubble to put the slide deck together and create/ adjust the content per the SoW with our client – we only left our Starbucks confinement for lunch and the one or other visit to the bathroom (means smelly squat toilets). We only left the place around 20:00 with the first version of our slide deck.
Today we – after having done some furniture rearrangement at Starbucks – continued fine-tuning the presentation – and finally could pass the first final version of the presentation over to the girls for translation in the later afternoon.
With our milestone for the day reached; Clare and myself finished early (at least compared to yesterday) and made it back to the streetfood street in Wuchang for some of the local specialties.
The Western Bubble of Wuhan is just across the street from the hotel … the local Starbucks store. Stepping into it feels a bit like stepping back into Western culture, suddenly the cacophony of sounds is changing to relative calm with only subtle music in the background. The outside hustle and bustle changes to a relaxed atmosphere, food is Western, desserts are sweet and sugary – and eaten with forks rather than chopsticks.
Entering and leaving the place has somewhat the feeling of crossing an invisible and sudden (cultural) border … from China into the West and vice versa.
For me this Western Bubble feels a bit like a double-edged sword … on the one hand we are here to experience Chinese culture, so spending too much time at Starbucks will not support that experience … on the other hand, it is nice to know there is place nearby, one can go to when one needs a break from China or just some proper afternoon cake.
In any case – we (i.e. the manufacturing sub-team) crossed that border today once more and made it into Starbucks country to discuss how to proceed with our other customers (after the first final presentation yesterday) – and to dig into some good cheese cake.