This gallery contains 20 photos.
It was our final (full) day on Santo Antão – we were heading up into the Paúl valley today (Paúl translates to place with water, not related to a saint of the same name) for a final (short – 5km) … Continue reading
This gallery contains 20 photos.
It was our final (full) day on Santo Antão – we were heading up into the Paúl valley today (Paúl translates to place with water, not related to a saint of the same name) for a final (short – 5km) … Continue reading
This gallery contains 24 photos.
Final day of the trek, today making it to the sea and then following the cliffs to Ponta del Sol – passing through Cruzinha, Formiguinhas, Corvo and Fontainhas – a total of 16km (750m up, 820m down) and probably the … Continue reading
Another day, another hike – today heading for Chã de Igreja and the sea … another great hike up and down valleys – a total of 11km (600m up, 850m down).
Our stop on São Vicente was a short one, as this morning we were already boarding the quick ferry over to Santo Antão, doing the choppy trip of about 15km in less than half an hour.
On arrival on Santo Antão yet another bus was waiting for us and we made our trip up into the mountains with some great views of the island (and beyond) along the way. We eventually made it to a guesthouse near Coculi, where lunch was waiting for us.
After lunch we started today’s hike … an easy 6km (500m up, 450m down) up and down the valleys with great views – destination of the day being our accommodation in Caibros.