Old Minsk

We made it back to the hotel from the office at around 19:00; we (now only Pilar, Maria, Norman and myself) took the metro to get to Minsk’s old Town.

Minsk Market & Office Get-Together

Norman only made it into Minsk today. While he was being picked up at the airport, the preparations for a small get-together began.

Some of our Minsk team, plus Pilar and myself made it to the market to stock up on cold meats, cheese, vegetables, fruits, bread, sweets and juice.

When we made it back to the office, we continued with the preparations (cutting the meat, cheese, fruit etc.) to build up a buffet. We also added some of the stuff we had brought from Spain and Germany (most notably the Spanish Jamon Iberico). Norman meanwhile also made it into Minsk and joined just in time for the office party or get-together.