Life is full of surprises … today has been one of those days – with even the day’s program getting a mayor update.
Originally the plan had been to go for a final landing in Canada at the small settlement of Grise Fjord. This would have also been the place to drop our ice pilot for his journey back home. However it was once more the ice, that did not allow us to proceed with our plan … we simply could not make it to Grise Fjord.
A sensible decision was taken on the bridge and we did continue to Greenland … with a sudden day of relaxation at sea ahead of us now.
On Hanseatic relaxation does not necessarily translate to idling around … in fact the program was changed and lectures did fill the gap. So instead of a walk around Grise Fjord there was an opportunity to learn about the geology of Greenland (including a short trip into Earth’s past), seals and Inuit survival techniques. In the evening we had another recap / precap session, looking back at things done and seen – and preparing us for the upcoming shore landings in Northern Greenland.
Obviously Mark, our ice master, had to stay on board and continue to Greenland with us and an area he had not been before.
Below: final view of Canada … heading for Greenland …