
After arriving back to Curitiba and spent the rest of the day walking around and exploring town – at 20:30 we were back to the hotel to meet with the others to head for the bus terminal to catch an overnight bus to Foz de Iguazu.

Catching the Serra Verde Express

We made it into Curitiba in the late evening of the 20th – with today starting off somewhat strangely. Plan was to catch the Serra Verde Express from Curitiba to Morretes; the train was scheduled to leave at 08:15. David and myself got up at around 06:45, went down for breakfast – no one else there, ordered a taxi to the train station – still no one else from the group around. We boarded our taxi around 07:30, still being the only ones. On arrival at the station we got our tickets, boarded the train – and off we went… In the evening, when we got back to the hotel, we heard from the others that they have been told the train would not go, so they stayed in bed and had a day around Curitiba itself.

The train ride itself was amazing (at least for me; however I guess one must be at least a bit a train enthusiast). It started with the rather flat surrounding of Curitiba, then into the jungle and down the mountains from 900 meters above to near sea level – over narrow bridges and through tunnels.

Once we got into Morretes we quickly discovered that there was not too much to do and see in this small town. We walked around town and left Morretes after about one hour by bus and made our way back to Curitiba.