Bagrati Cathedral

I had spent most of the night going back and forth between bed and bathroom – something had upset my stomach – and as such did not feel too good this morning. The tour continued nevertheless. We left the hotel after breakfast (just tea for me) and made the short walk over to Bagrati Cathedral (ბაგრატის ტაძარი).

The cathedral was originally built in the 11th century by King Bagrat III (hence the name) and is a great piece of Georgian medieval architecture. However – as with so many other buildings in the region – invasions and earthquakes have taken their toll. Reconstruction works were started in the middle of the past century and finally concluded in 2012. Though the changes done as part of the reconstruction ultimately resulted in the cathedral’s status as UNESCO world heritage site to be revoked.

Kutaisi – from a Ferris Wheel

We were through with the program for today and had made it to our hotel in Kutaisi. There was still an hour to kill until dinner, so I decided for a walk over to the little amusement park on the next hill. And then – well – the usual story did set in … if I see a Ferris Wheel, I need to have a ride – especially if it is old and rusty – and Soviet built. There is nothing better than enjoying the views, while listening to the squeaking of the gondola … 😉

Kutaisi Impressions

A drive of about 2.5 hours got us to Kutaisi (ქუთაისი).

Here we made it straight to the Green Bazaar for a bit of shopping, photography or just for soaking in the market atmosphere with all its smells and sights. Flavors got into the game during a coffee break with local sweets later on – after a small walk around town, which also included a stop at the Tetri Bridge across the Rioni river.